Žutko s trešnjama / Simple cake with cherries

Žutko s trešnjama
Žutko s trešnjama

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Ovaj kolač i ove trešnje u njemu vraćaju u daleku prošlost...Tamo gdje je nekad bio voćnjak s trešnjama, a one prepune sočnih, crvenih plodova s prvim danima svibnja. Ne znam jesu li bile slađe one tek ubrane na stablu ili one u maminu kolaču - Žutku s trešnjama!
I ako nisu iz spomenutog voćnjaka, prve su i ne baš onako slatke! U kolaču ipak jesu, baš kao u maminom 
žutku, nekih davnih nedjelja!

Žutko s trešnjama

5 jaja, 280 g šećera, 250 g maslaca,300 g brašna, 2, 5 dl jogurta, 1 prašak za pecivo, korica limuna, 1 šećer vanilija, malo soli, 400 g trešanja, šećer u prahu za posipanje i još 2 žlice brašna za uvaljati trešnje.


Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Odvojiti žutanjke i bjelanjke. Izmiksati bjelanjke s malo soli u čvrst snijeg i dodati postupno pola količine šećera. Ostatak šećera i vanil šećer pjenasto umutiti sa žutanjcima. Dodati maslac sobne temperature, jogurt i brašno prosijano s praškom za pecivo te koricu limuna.Umiješati na kraju bjelanjak... žlicu po žlicu miješajući ručno špatulom. 
Dobro je dio bjelanjka umiješati u žutanjke i zatim to umiješati u preostali snijeg od bjelanjaka. 
Smjesu izliti u oblik za vijenac promjera 28 cm. Ako je manji vijenac će biti viši... 
Trešnje očistiti od koštica, dobro ocijediti i izmješati s 2 žlice brašna. Rasporediti po smjesi u kalupu...
Peći u zagrijanoj pećnici oko 40 - 45 min na 170 - 180°C, ovisno o pećnici. Provjeriti čačkalicom...
Izvaditi na oval i topal posuti šećerom u prahu.

Žutko s trešnjama


Simple cake with cherries

Simple cake with cherries

The cake and the cherries in it bring me back to the distant past ... Where there was once an orchard with cherries filled with juicy, red fruit with the first days of May. I do not know whether they were sweeter they just picked on the tree or that of my mother's cake - cherry !
Although these are not from the mentioned orchard, they are first and not just as sweet ! The cake still are , just like in mom's , some ancient Sunday!

Simple cake with cherries

Ingredients :
5 eggs , 280 g sugar , 250 g butter ,300 g flour, 2 , 5 dl of yogurt , 1 baking powder , lemon peel , 1 sugar vanilla , a pinch of salt , 400 g cherries , powdered sugar for sprinkling and 2 tablespoons of flour to roll cherries .


The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Separate egg yolks and egg whites . Mix the egg whites with a pinch of salt in a stiff and gradually add half the amount of sugar . The rest of the sugar and vanilla sugar , mix with the egg yolk . 
Add butter, room temperature , yogurt and flour sifted with baking powder and lemon peel . Stir egg whites at the end ... spoon by spoon stirring by hand with a whisk .A good part of the egg white mix in the egg yolks and then to mix in the remaining egg whites . Pour mixture into the shape of a wreath with a diameter of 28 cm . If a smaller wreath will be higher ...
Remove pitt from cherries, well drained and Mix 2 tablespoons of flour . Deploy them on the mixture in a mold ... Bake in a preheated oven for 40 - 45 minutes at 170 - 180 ° C , depending on the oven . Check with a toothpick ... Remove to a plate and warm sprinkle with powdered sugar .
Simple cake with cherries
