Muffini s nutelom i kokosom / Muffins with nutella and coconut

Muffini s nutelom i kokosom /  Muffins with nutella and coconut
Muffini s nutelom i kokosom /  Muffins with nutella and coconut

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Ima netko tko ih voli i danas će ga sigurno iznenaditi. S nutelom i kokosom ... lješnjakom!
Morate ih željeti...! Uslast vam!

Za bijeli dio:
1 jaje, 170 g brašna, malo soli, 100 g šećera, 2 žlice jogurta, 1 dl mlijeka, 70 g kokosa, 1 žličica praška za pecivo
Za smeđi dio:
1 jaje, 40 g šećera, 30 g otopljenog masla, 1 dl mlijeka, 100 g nutele, 1 žličica praška za pecivo, 120 g brašna
- 50 g lješnjaka

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Muffini s nutelom i kokosom /  Muffins with nutella and coconut


Muffins with nutella and coconut

 Muffins with nutella and coconut

There is someone who loves them and today will surely surprise him. With nutella and coconut ... hazelnut!
You have to want them ...! To your delight!

For the white part:
1 egg, 170 g flour, salt, 100 g sugar, 2 tablespoons yogurt, 1 dl milk, 70 g coconut, 1 teaspoon baking powder
For the brown part:
1 egg, 40 g sugar, 30 g dissolved butter, 1 dl milk, 100 g nutella, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 120 g flour
- 50 g of hazelnut

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

 Muffins with nutella and coconut
